Colorado Music-Related Business, Reports|

COMBO’s Board of Directors is currently Barb Dye, President; Andy Ard, Vice-President; Mark King, Secretary; and David Barber, Treasurer. Mark and David also serve as co-webmasters. Also serving are Annette Cannon, Ombudsman; Doug Garvey (Pueblo Songwriters); and Johnnie Johnson (of Innervision). Serving as advisors and legal counselors are Todd Myers, Esq., and Steve Replin, Esq.

Our board meets once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month, via telephone conference! We plan around 6 general meetings a year, and participate in other community activities such as the Guitar Expo, The CHUN – UMX auditions, and Riot Fest. We run workshops and seminars with some of the best teacher-musicians in Colorado. We also have just plain old fun times like our Grammy Party held at the SIE Film Center in Denver in February! The goal of COMBO is to help musicians with the business of music. Other groups focus on promoting a certain genre of music but all musicians need to have help with their business. To the best of our knowledge, COMBO is the only not-for-profit organization of its kind in the world!

You don’t have to live in the Denver area – one of our current Board members is Doug Garvey who lives in Pueblo. – to help out and to serve on the Board. Doug has lead the Pueblo Songwriters Group, and is currently active in three different bands as well as managing a couple of others . . . which means he’s seen how badly musicians need to learn more about the business of music!

If you are interested in serving on the COMBO board, please call 720-570-2280 and leave a message with why you would like to serve, and some qualifications. Or send an e-mail to

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