Interesting Bits|

This is SO COOL!!! Things went from pretty to petty REAL quick. Catch the full Molly Ringwald vs Jon Cryer Drop The Mic battle! [BTW, for those of you who are not aware, Molly is a very good vocalist. She has even put out a few albums!]

Damien Morris: I had no idea Molly Ringwald could flow like that. Jon Cryer was pretty solid as well. They need to do a “Breakfast Club” freestyle battle next…

[Can’t believe that some lady said she didn’t know who Jon Cryer was… then said she didn’t realize he was Ducky in “Pretty in Pink” and [she] was an avid watcher of “Two and ½ Men” after tons of people berated her for her uninformed comment. Maybe she should have done a “Fact Check” before writing that post!]


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