

From Mer Sal: Our first magazine cover as a band! *JUMP – JUMP – JUMPING – WITH EXCITEMENT! Five years of hard-ass work. Here we are! πŸ™‚

Biggest thank you to Jasco Duende and Don Stahl for being my teammates. I can’t tell you how important you are.

Thank you to Scene Magazine of Northern Colorado for featuring us! Thank you Michael Edward Mockler and Dawn Marie Duncan!!!

We are playing a show together with Maxwell Mud on December 10th at Swing Station, 3311 West Cr 54 G, LaPorte, CO 80535 9:00 p.m. – $5 This will be both our cover celebration and a celebration of friendship.

One year ago, they recorded their debut album with us at The Recordium, and had us open at their massively packed CD release. That was one of Don Stahl’s first gigs with us on drums. Don has been with us a year and some more besides now – as our first full time drummer we’ve ever had.

Flash back a year before Maxwell Mud’s CD Release, to a time when The Recordium had just been finished with construction. Philip Ak Brown directed an album that has changed my life, and I’m grateful for his creative work with us on the album SMILE, as well as huge contributions from Larry Thompson, Suzzanne Paris, Crystal Cordova, Frances Kurucz Hlavacek, Alan Hlavacek, Jessie Balding Pufahl (Michael Pufahl), Doug Moe, Steve Fitzgerald, Ryan Koronich, and JT Ellingson.

I want to thank everybody, from the last 5 or 6 years for putting up with us through our growth, and for not throwing tomatoes.

We plan to keep writing, recording, and performing music, so please keep considering The Symbols.

We’ll see you at a show!

Mer Sal

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