In Memoriam|

Jim Chapman (of Wolfpack Productions, Rhohr, and Sin After Sin) on Facebook, 5/22/16: Hi,  everyone. Some of you know and some do not but… I feel it is time to let you all know. My Beautiful Daughter has passed. I will fill all of my close friends in as time goes on and know many you have known about her struggle as well as have had her in your prayers for a long time, I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. Life is strange but I promise at least one good thing will come out of this. It has to. . . even if you use her story to help another or even yourself. I believe life is a chain and we are all connected to each other in one way or another. There will be some various posts and updates in the future as well as some honoring an incredible soul who showed me what life is about the day she was born. When you see me, just give me hug but by no means, do not change.

I am so blessed to have you all in my life and the blessing of having the memories of my precious girl will always be unmeasurable. To my Friends, Savanna’s Friends, and Our Family. Thank you for being there. Savanna and I Love you all. Fly hi and free baby girl, I will see you every day until I die and then… every day after that.

In honor of Savanna, Jim wrote the following for his daughter:

She Rose.

The day she was born she was supposed to die, But she was strong and learned to fly.
I watched her rise in all that she did, amazed and thrilled she was my kid.
As time went on she learned to soar, saying “Look daddy, look daddy, I’ve learned some more.”
Singing and dancing, making friends all around, growing up in a flash, That’s what I found.

She rose and she rose at a steady pace, with a beautiful smile and such a pretty face.
She went out in the world, to learn more and find love, saying Daddy, I love you, as she gave me a hug.
I was so proud knowing, that she was ready and brave, but oh it was hard and I prayed and I prayed.
I prayed for her wings, to not fail the test, and not to forget how to land and just rest.

Then one day in the air, she joined the wrong flock, and the other flock that she flew with we’re all in shock.
While trying to save her, she kept flying away, and then the strange new flock bit off her wings one day.
She spiraled down and landed in a very strange place, how could this happen? She flew with such grace.
With no more wings and not able to fly, she walked down a dark path and only stared at the sky.

The new flock gathered, she had no more to give, pecked her to death, they didn’t want her to live.
Her spare feathers were all they could take, they took them all and flew away,
And on that day, she laid down and died, for she forgot how to dream and could no longer fly.
Now at the end, lifeless and cold, a miracle happened and a new story told.

I heard about the place where she had died, I drove over with anger, I cried and I cried.
When I arrived and saw it was true, the anger subsided, because I knew, an angel had seen her, and flew down to the ground, then picked her up, without a sound.
Higher and higher this angel had flown, taking my daughter to a new home.
He gave her some wings and she opened her eyes, He said welcome Savanna now fly, fly, fly.

Author, Jim Chapman. Savanna’s earth Father
I Love You lil’ bit….Forever!

Sher Becker: A beautiful poem my dear friend Jim Chapman wrote for his daughter who was tragically taken. RIP, Savanna.

Bill Hawley: I would like to ask all of you who believe to say a prayer for my friend Jim Chapman and his family. He just recently lost his daughter. I know that we as parents never want to have to deal with something like that. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the heartache. Send them all your prayers and good vibes my friends and family. Jim, I am so sorry for your loss. Peace and love to you my friend. Your daughter is in a beautiful paradise with our father above. She now knows the majesty of heaven and is surrounded by love and family members who have left before.

Joyce Valdez: This beautiful young woman I’ve known since the age of 12 has passed away and become an angel. To those who loved her, Savanna Chapman – may you RIP, beautiful girl, and Jim Chapman – if you need anything, you know me and my girls are here for you. Love you, Jim.


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