Colorado Music-Related Business|

Interior of Rusty Sun Recording Studio

For many years COMBO has listed Colorado music-related businesses on its “back pages” under the tab “Resources” and “Network”. We recently came up with a plan to update these listings. Our members regularly use this information to find a business that they need. So please send us your current information and what headings you would like to be placed under. Please list all contact info, i.e., name, address, phone number, e-ddress, and website. We’d also love to have a photo or a logo if you have one, preferably in jpg format. For example, we came across this info on Facebook and will be adding it to our “Recording Studios” page:

Rusty Sun Audio

We want to give a huge shout out to Derrick Bozkurt and House in Motion for making this amazing interactive virtual tour and video for the studio!

Please contact us for any recording inquiries, or if you are interested in taking a tour in person.

Virtual Tour:

Studio Video:…

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