
Frank Romero and his family need your help.

[Editor’s note: Frank is also a trumpet player] As we’re sure many of you know, Frank lost his job last month and the next day was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer. He hopes to start receiving chemo in a few weeks. Tests have not been able to pinpoint where it originated and will have a PET Scan to give them more information.

If you would ask anyone who know Giga and Frank they would tell you neither would ever ask anyone for help. Those who know them would also tell you that when there is a need to help anyone they take it on full force and with such passion, determination and love.

If anyone knows cancer and other serious illnesses they would tell you the out of pocket costs can be quite high – also things that aren’t covered by insurance are too numerous to mention but vital while going through treatment. Every day we think of something else that can be of some help in making him comfortable, or special foods that we hope he can eat to maintain the strength he needs to go through treatments. Isaiah, Cissy, Jayden and Chloe are stepping into roles of adulthood far sooner than expected since their families are unable to help during this COVID period of our lives.

Some of you have reached out to ask what you can do to help and, since Giga would never give thought to ask, we felt it was not necessary to tell her that we are wanting to start a fund to help with whatever she needs in taking care of Frank and the kids. It’s going to be a difficult road to navigate but if we can lighten the weight of costs that accumulate during cancer treatment we can help out immensely.

Thank you for your beautiful friendships with Giga, Frank, and the kids. They have been so blessed to have you in their lives.

If you would like to send a little something to help, this is the only thing we can think of to cover anything they may need, and Giga won’t mention, when people ask. Again, thank you from the depths of our hearts.

With gratitude and love,

Giga’s Mom, Neesey, and sister, Des

Update on December 7, 2020:
From Giga: Hello family and friends. Thank you so much for your amazing support. We are overwhelmed and I don’t have the right words to convey our gratitude.

Frank has a colonoscopy and PET scan this week. We are hopeful this will provide a clue about the primary site so we finally know what kind of cancer and can get treatments started. It feels like we’re not moving but I know they need to know what they’re fighting.We’ll both feel better once we know and have a plan.

Thank you, each and every one of you. Your calls, messages, prayers, offers of help and love mean everything to us, Frank has said repeatedly he is in awe about how many really good people surround us. We love you all.


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