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Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts Wins CCMHOF’s 2019 Band of the Year award!

Ryan Chrys on Fb, 1/28/20: Life’s a twisty turny, topsy turvy thing, you think one thing is gonna happen then something else happens, you proceed with pure and true intentions as best you can.

For the last few months and tours of the Rough Cuts, Joe has killed it on the kit for us and in doing so become a dear friend and a family member that we have been proud and honored to share the stage and road with. Michael had retired in lieu of a severely fucked up and twisted spine that caused him so much pain he was no longer able to play. ..we said our long and tearful goodbye’s to Michael and that was that.

Well, low and behold after 61 years and 5 laminectomies (his 5th being a $67,000 miracle surgery) and some months later, Michael climbed out of the hospital biohazzard disposal bin and decided he wasn’t done after all and that further he “wanted to get his band back together.”

….um, …what? Yes, we were all thrilled he survived the surgery, because for a while, it wasn’t going well, nobody knew if his reshaped spinal chord would allow him to do anything but sit in a chair and smoke weed with his 3rd wife. Meanwhile we hired Joe in good faith and his attitude, talent and ability shined.

Fast forward through a lot of sleepless nights and heart to heart talks and decisions,… Michael is returning to his chair, that he has sat in for around 600 shows across the country since he joined the band, one that he sweated, bled, cried and nearly died for. ..and so, …there are more pages in his books to be written after all. But before those pages are penned, I am sending my deepest debt of gratitude to Joe, for his incredible heart in understanding this nearly unbelievable chain of events, for his friendship, and for the professionalism he approached this band with. I can’t say enough good things about Joe, ..none of us can. Thank you brother Joe, very much, I am again grateful and I know good things will continue to come from our friendship, and know I’ve always got your back until its time to hit track #5. ….

And Michael… if you ever pull another one of these KISS farewell rock star retirements again, only to denounce your retirement…..Well, you better just stay in the bio bin and get stoneder. So there you have it… the new old Rough Cuts, aka Michael Jochum and the Rough Cuts, will be around, again, some more.

Meanwhile, I invite you to join me this Friday night at the Globe Hall to see Joe’s band OCTOPUS TREE as they drop a single and kick off their US tour. Please give their page a like and keep tabs on them. They are bad ass rock and Joe and company are gonna be pickin’ up speed.

Love you all, if one of us ever wins, we all win.

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