Music Notes|

Hi! I hope this finds everyone well! The first month into my sixties has been for the most part, splendid! I must be honest – the COVID situation is starting to get to me. But I continue self-care; zoom meetings, zoom YOGA, my bike rides and have been hiking with friends. (If you’d like to join us for hikes let me know!)

Every time I pray to my higher power, asking what should I be doing I get the same answer: Enjoy life, help others and learn.

And I continue to remember Mr. Rogers story of when he would get down, his mother would say, “Look for the helpers!” The helpers are everywhere!

I am full of gratitude for the C Lazy U Ranch, in Granby, Colorado, has kept me on their schedule with several dates singing around the campfire! One of my funnest gigs since last summer.

I wish I could invite ya’ll to come on up to join around the campfire, it’s a private Dude Ranch.

If you happen to be traveling to Grand Lake, Colorado end of June or in July, Squeaky B’s has kept me on their schedule. See below.

I am also full of gratitude that I’ve set aside time every day to work on music and song writing. I’ve gotten familiar again with Garage Band, recording app on Mac. I have not used it since 2008! I’m experimenting with adding percussion tracks, and keyboard and bass tracks. And then posting new songs at my SoundCloud account. I would love if you can take a listen and share any thoughts! Keep in mind when you listen, these are amateur mixes and the songs will sound way better when I get into a real studio.

Stay well!!! Enjoy life, help others, and learn!


June Music Events
As many of you probably know – all of my senior gigs (entertaining at nursing homes) have been canceled. No one knows when these facilities will be opening again. This has been my day job for 30 years. I have to be honest. It is so wonderful to have a break from playing SO much. And having the opportunity to work on song writing and other creative projects. I am hoping to figure out other ways to make money with my music and songwriting and other possible endeavors.

Saturday June 28th 2 – 4:30 pm
Squeaky B’s Restaurant
Grand Lakel, CO
(If anyone would like to come up during this weekend to camp, hike, soak at Hot Sulphur Springs, let me know!)

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