Music Notes|

Rachel Alena tells why her “last show” was “The Best!”

“That was my favorite show ever!” Scratching, skipping, chipping and incessantly repeating. Yes, apparently, I’m a broken record.

The phrase “that was my favorite show ever” is what my wonderful husband, Jason, says I repeat after every gig. He says, those are the first words my mouth utters.

I was thinking about this. Why is it, that after every gig I feel like I’ve won the lottery?

I think the reason is…

…music feeds my soul.

Plain and simple.
From where I stand, I’m blessed to see a lot of people.
Do you know what I see you doing while we’re making music?
Enjoying life
Living in the moment
Being free

After so many years of making music, I’ve reached this conclusion…

Music is an amazing bridge that provides us a pathway. So, we can be human on this planet while feeling the vibration of all that is life.

Thank you for continuing to share this gift of music with me.


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