Quote of the Week|

DAVID JACKSON – MarketingMusician.com: What is Your Band’s Personality? I went to a band showcase this weekend. It was a marching band showcase and yet there was a lot we could learn to use in our bands to connect with our audience. How do you take the stage? How do yo leave the stage? What are you doing that other bands are not? What could you do to add a little icing to your cake? Does your music inspire you to play with passion?

Video your next gig and watch it with the sound off. Does it look like you’re having fun?


[Does someone turn their back to the audience way too many times? Does someone look like they came dressed from the dirty clothes basket? Do your band mates spend too much time looking at each other or do they just keep their eyes closed the whole time? Does someone talk too much or tell off-color jokes that may offend someone in the audience? We could go on and on and on…. ]

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