Songwriter's Corner|

Howdy Songwriters! Yes, we would normally be scheduled to meet [Wednesday, June 3rd]. While thoughts of doing a Zoom meeting have been entertained, I personally feel inadequate at this time to coordinate that with real effectiveness. Therefore, I am taking the initiative to cancel the “meeting.”

Our group typically take a hiatus over the summer months of July and August, so during that time I hope that conditions will change enough for us to resume some form of meeting that will facilitate interactions and truly celebrate the craft of songwriting. That time will also find some of us exploring and developing skills using technology to accommodate situations that may again require us to flex our creative assembly.

Please respond to me if you have any thoughts on the issue.

Be safe, Be well, Be creative,

Mike Burns

P.S. Some of you may consider responding to the following request that came to John Nelson:

My name is Diana and I’m a singer and harmonica player living in Santa Fe. The reason I’m writing to you is that I’ve been unable to find any composers and songwriters locally to help me with a project. I have written songs in the past but mainly lyrics and I’ve had a little problem with composing the music. I’m now getting together backing tracks to accompany me for gigs. I’m wanting to get [out] locally and eventually touring.

I’m looking specifically for songwriters that can and are interested in collaborating with me in composing original songs in the Blues, classic r&b and black gospel genres. I plan to do mainly cover songs but I would really like to start including a lot of originals.

I would appreciate if you could connect me to anybody that might be interested. We could work remotely now and in the future since you’re not in my state.

Thanks so much!
Diana Leland

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