Thoughts and Prayers|

Dave Streml on Fb, 8/15/17: You ever wonder how random “Random” things are? Tonight I ended up at The Taco house for dinner. I haven’t eaten there since the days I would take Shayne and Addison to the one in Thornton. While eating I saw a couple having dinner with their teenage kid, who was in a wheelchair. When I got up to pay, something inside said it would be nice if I picked up their tab. The lady at the cash register said “I’ll just tell them something is wrong with their bill” as she went over and grabbed it off their table. I paid and left, wanting to pay it forward (one of Shayne’s favorite moves) without them knowing it was me.

Well, the father wanted to thank me so he approached me and said that was very kind of me. He said it was their 25th anniversary and just wanted to go out for dinner, the Fort was too far away so they chose The Taco House. I said I was trying to do this anonymously – we both laughed.
He told me his wife was brought to tears by my gesture and he decided to share their story.

Kiana was 14 and being bullied by kids at school. She attempted suicide and her father found her in time and kept her alive until paramedics arrived. She’s lucky to be alive. At the time there was no law against cyber bullying, they never found out who was behind those evil texts telling her to kill herself, basically, the law protected the perpetrator.

She’s 18 now and on a completely different path than she would have been had that kid not put her in his/her sights. Kiana’s parents decided they needed to change things so no other family would have this happen to them and let the bully get away with it. Kiana’s law was passed here in Colorado in 2015.

I shared Shayne’s story with Ken, thinking here we are, 2 dads with their lives turned upside down because of something tragic happening to their kids. How “random” was this meeting of complete strangers at a restaurant I didn’t really plan on going to tonight. Admittedly, I’m overwhelmed with emotions but I am leaning towards the thought that we were supposed to be there tonight, and I was supposed to hear the story of a family that made a difference for others after tragedy struck. Someone who really did get a law passed and is protecting other kids from living their misfortune. I’m posting a news story in the comments section that is about this wonderful family.

Thank you, Shayne, for this gentle reminder that we are going to make a difference, we are going to protect others from having to know what we know. Love and miss you, kiddo, with all my heart.


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Watch Kiana Arellano’s story here:
A cyber-bullying law takes effect on Wednesday after it was passed by the Colorado legislature and signed by the governor. Anne Trujillo introduces us to the teen behind the law.

Published on Jun 30, 2015

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Bullying Laws in Colorado

HB 15-1072 (“Kiana’s Law” signed into law April 2015, took effect July 1, 2015). “18-9-111. Harassment. A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she: DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY initiates communication with a person OR DIRECTS LANGUAGE TOWARD ANOTHER PERSON, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, telephone network, data network, text message, instant message, computer, computer network, or computer system, OR OTHER INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC MEDIUM in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage, or makes any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, computer, computer network, or computer system, OR OTHER INTERACTIVE ELECTRONIC MEDIUM that is obscene.” Class 3 misdemeanor ($50 fine, up to 6 months in jail). Class 1 misdemeanor when done because of one’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin (6-18 months in jail).

HB 11-1254 (signed into law May 2011): “‘Bullying’ means any written or verbal expression, or physical or electronic act or gesture…”

School Districts are required by law to adopt a written conduct and discipline code relating to the discipline, conduct, safety and welfare of all students enrolled in the public schools of the District. Section 22-32-109.1(2)(a)(I), C.R.S. (2000); “Safe School Plan.” Must include “a specific policy concerning bullying prevention and ed-ucation, including information related to the development and implementation of any bullying prevention programs. Section 22-32-109.1(2)(a)(I) through (X), C.R.S. (2002).”

Defines that a policy must be made in schools about bullying and it is up to the school to decide the punishment. Does not include electronic forms of punishment.

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